Graham Black – District 1 Commissioner

Graham ‘Gib’ Black together with his wife and 3 kids, have been calling San Juan Island home since 2009. However, his history with the San Juan Islands dates back much further than that with five generations of his family having been a part of the community, starting with his great grandmother who taught at the Waldron School in 1904. He owns and manages a company focused on building highly sustainable homes in the Seattle area, prior to which he practiced land use and municipal law where he worked with mayors, city councils, and various department heads to help them execute their goals rather than focus on litigation.
This experience showed him the positive influence such entities can have in a community and exposed him to some of the inherent conflict and resistance that comes with change. A consistent theme throughout this professional life and board work is that he tries mightily to listen to and understand where other people are coming from, and he strives to learn from and serve his community. Gib has been elected to serve as Commissioner of District 1.
Barbara Marrett – District 2 Commissioner

Barbara Marrett has been engaged in her community since arriving here in 1978. From business owner to author, graphic designer, and ocean sailing instructor, she’s led a life of adventure and accomplishment. Barbara recently retired as the Communications and Stewardship Manager for the San Juan Islands Visitors Bureau.
Barbara is a 100-ton USCG Masters License holder and co-author of the sailing adventure book, Mahina Tiare, Pacific Passages. While calling Friday Harbor homeport, she has sailed the world’s oceans as professional crew and instructor for Orange Coast College School of Sailing and Seamanship and as a Contributing Editor to Cruising World magazine.
A commissioner from District 2 since 2005, Barbara sees the Port as a catalyst for the responsible evolution of our waterfront and airport. She enjoys working with the public on issues related to island culture, aviation, history and environmental stewardship. A former long-time member of the Marine Resources Committee, she was also appointment by the U.S. Secretary of the Interior to be a founding member of the San Juan Islands National Monument Advisory Committee.
Rich Goodhart – District 3 Commissioner

Rich Goodhart began his love affair with the San Juans in the late 1970’s while bringing flight students to Friday Harbor as part of their cross-country training. In 2007, after a career in aviation, he and his wife, Alayne, retired on their sailboat and continuously wintered-over at the Port. With 18 years of living-aboard behind them, they moved ashore in 2011 and then from Orcas to San Juan Island in 2014.
Rich’s career encompassed varied areas including instruction, managing an airport business, as a bush pilot in Alaska, and captaining a fleet of jets worldwide. Away from the job, he was able to convince Alayne to help tackle several building projects – boats and houses. This has helped him form a general philosophy of responsibility: identify what needs to be accomplished, learn and practice the necessary skills, do those things you’re able to, but never be afraid to ask for guidance and help from people who know more.
Rich realizes the Port is a unique entity in the State. It is an economic engine that creates services and opportunity, yet able to balance growth with stewardship and community understanding. Rich has been elected to serve as Commissioner of District 3.
Port Staff
Todd Nicholson – Executive Director
Mike Otis – Airport Operations Manager