"*" indicates required fields

The Port of Friday Harbor hosts three marina facilities with permanent year round moorage: Friday Harbor Marina, Shipyard Cove Marina and Jensen’s Marina.

The waitlist application below is for Jensen’s Marina. Other marina waitlists can be found in their respective sections of this website. Waitlist fees are charged by the number of slips selected, and pro-rates quarterly throughout the year. Once you’ve applied there is an annual fee required each January to remain on the list until assigned. If you’re already on the Jensen’s Marina waitlist, click here to see your current position.

Paying by check or in person? Download the printable form here.

* = required


Jensen's Marina Waitlist choice(s)
The Port allows for a max 2′ overhang. You may pick more than one waitlist. If you wish to stay on your boat 15 or more days in any one calendar month you must apply for liveaboard status.

Covered Moorage – 21′ max height

The Extreme Length of Vessel includes bowsprit, swim step, davits, dinghies, rudder posts, engines at full extension, or anything else that adds to the overall length. The Port allows for 2′ overhand.
How to measure the length of the vessel
Type of Boat*
Do you currently own the vessel?*
Please include a side-view photo of the vessel associated with this application. Photo must be an accurate depiction of the current condition of the vessel and show all overhangs.
Accepted file types: jpg, png, gif, heic, heic, jpeg, Max. file size: 25 MB.

Terms and Conditions *
  1. I understand the vessel to be moored must be navigable in open water under its own power as per the Rules & Regulations. Disabled vessels will not be assigned moorage.
  2. I understand the Port of Friday Harbor allows a maximum 2′ overhang from slips and that the extreme length of vessel (ELOV) to be moored at POFH must not exceed this limitation. I also understand if my vessel is too large for the slip I am offered I may be forced to forfeit my offer of moorage or my spot on the waitlist.
  3. I have measured the ELOV for the vessel to be moored and have recorded it accurately on this application OR, if I have not yet purchased a vessel, I acknowledge I will measure the ELOV for the vessel to be moored and will report it accurately to the marina before I may moor a vessel with the Port of Friday Harbor.
  4. I have submitted side-view photos of the vessel to be moored that respresents its current condition as of the time of this application OR I acknowledge that I must submit a photo once I have purchased the boat I intend to have moored at the Port of Friday Harbor.
Terms and Conditions*

Credit Card*
Supported Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa
Expiration Date

  1. The non-refundable, annual waitlist fee is $100.00 and is prorated quarterly. This fee only applies if moorage is not immediately available and your name is placed on the waitlist. The fee is not a deposit and will not be applied towards any moorage fees. (Jan-Mar $100, Apr-June $75, July-Sept $50, Oct-Dec $25)
  2. Applicant agrees to keep the marina office advised of any changes in address or contact information. Upon receiving notice of slip availability, waitlist applicant has 20 days to accept or refuse the slip. If there is no response applicant will be removed from the waitlist. Applicant may choose to go to the bottom of the waitlist as of the date slip was refused.
  3. Prior to move-in the Jensen’s Marina requires: a signed moorage agreement, proof of ownership, proof of insurance, plus first month’s moorage fee and deposit.
  4. Only the applicant signing this application will have rights to moorage at the Jensen’s Marina. The slip for which you have applied will be for the benefit of the below named/signed applicant, his/her spouse/valid domestic partner, and/or children.
  5. This application only applies to the vessel size and characteristics stated above. If you decide to moor a larger or smaller vessel and want a different slip, you may request a one-time transfer to the appropriate list.
  6. Your vessel must fit the assigned slip in order to retain moorage. It is important the vessel size listed above remains accurate.
  7. Permitted vessels include: boats being used as a means of transportation, recreational boating, sailing, yachting, or commercial fishing which are designed and capable of navigation on open water. Houseboats are not allowed.
  8. Please see Rules & Regulations for a complete list of policies and procedures. For prices see the Year Round Rates page – Rules & Regulations and Rates can also be found at the Port office.