The waitlist application below is for Friday Harbor Airport Hangars. If you are already on the waitlist, click here to see your current position.

"*" indicates required fields

Please submit the form below to apply for one or more hangar waitlists. If you are applying for more than one waitlist, you will be charged for each list. Once you’ve applied there is an annual fee required each January to remain on the list until assigned. To pay by check or in person please print and fill out the Hangar Waitlist Application.

* = required

This is the individual or entity the aircraft is registered under.
Waitlist choice(s)
Choose the waitlist(s) you wish to apply for. Each list will incur an additional fee.
1. The non-refundable annual waitlist fee is $100.00 and is prorated quarterly. This fee only applies if a hangar is not immediately available and your name is placed on the waitlist. In such case the fee is not a deposit and will not be applied towards any hangar fees. (Jan-Mar $100, Apr-June $75, July-Sept $50, Oct-Dec $25)
2. Applicant agrees to keep the Airport Manager advised of any changes in address or contact information. Upon receiving notice of hangar availability, waitlist applicant has 14 calendar days to accept or refuse the hangar. If there is no response applicant will be removed from the waitlist. Applicant may choose to go to the bottom of the waitlist as of the date hangar was refused.
3. Prior to move-in the Port of Friday Harbor requires a signed hangar rental agreement, proof of aircraft ownership, proof of insurance, plus first month’s hangar fee and deposit.
4. Aircraft to be stored in assigned hangar must be owned and registered by rentee. Port rental hangars may not be sublet without prior written approval of the Airport Manager. Violation of this regulation will result in loss of rental privileges.
5.Please see Airport Rules & Regulations for a complete list of policies and procedures. Airport Rates for Year Round Customers are available online or at the airport office.
Accept terms and conditions.*
Credit Card*
Supported Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa
Expiration Date